Churches have always been a source of social services in a community. They are an important helping hand to individuals and families that need assistance for various reasons. Now with so many social programs being cut out of federal and state budgets other organizations and foundations have to step up to the plate and fill the gap left behind from the government cutting their own programs. Churches are going to pressed to expand their current programs and create new ones based on their area’s additional needs. Churches are a huge part of this redirection of help to the local community level.

This change has put a heavy burden financially on many congregations that are already struggling to control and maintain their own expenses and programs. Non-profit grants maybe part of the solution for these cash strapped churches. A wonderful perk when awarded a grant is that the grant does not have to be paid back. There are so many grants for organizations that have community outreach programs which are exactly what churches do with their numerous platforms of assistance. Most churches run soup kitchens, meals on wheels, food pantries, homeless assistance, low cost daycare, and various other community based programs. In order to qualify and apply for most of these grants the church needs to be registered as a nonprofit 501c3 with the federal government. Churches must be aware and follow all restrictions especially ones that insist the awarded non-profit grant funds are used for the betterment of the entire community not just members of that church.

The federal and state governments do offer grants to non-profits community based programs but they are precise in what the awarded funds can be used for and if the specific criteria is not followed the organization runs the risk of having to pay back a portion or the entire grant. For this reason a lot of churches decide not to pursue governmental sources when looking for grants, it is just too restrictive. Also with government budgets being slimmed down there are not as many funds available to keep certain grants afloat and start new ones. Basically a church should research the internet to see what non-profit grants they qualify for and take the time to apply for these free funding sources.

Services Offered

Business Grants

Business Grants

  • Small Business Funding / Management
  • Start-up / Expansion Business Capital
  • Home Business Assistance
  • Women-Owned Business Funding
  • Small Business Loans
  • Minority-Owned Business Funding
  • Private Money / Venture Capital