Running a nonprofit organization can be difficult, especially when all of the funding they receive is from grants and donations. To receive a nonprofit grant, each organization must have a 501c3 tax exempt status, or file for one if they do not currently possess one. Nonprofit grants can be received through multiple different outlets, such as the government, professional corporations and public and private organizations.

Nonprofit grants help to fund programs, organization locations, staff salaries, and many other things. It is important for every nonprofit to have financial papers organized and available prior to applying for grants. Grant funders feel more comfortable awarding money to nonprofits that are financially sound because they believe that they will better manage the awarded money.

Nonprofit organizations must get a grant application approved by their board of directors prior to submission, because it would become a contractual agreement if awarded. If the boards of directors aren’t aware of the grant they may have to return it, because of the risk to the funder of their grant money not being properly used. Each nonprofit should also have a “business plan” available stating why they need the funding and how it will be used if awarded. Grant funders may require reports from the organization will a detailed account of how the money has been applied and how the application turned out.

Grants may also be adjusted, depending on each circumstance, by being reimbursed for the unspent money or awarding more money. If the end of the grant term has passed and the full money fund has not been used, the founders may require a refund of that unused money. On the other hand, nonprofits that received a grant may be awarded extra funding if it is found that they have used the initial money toward a project and due to different factors need more to complete that project.

Services Offered

Personal Assistance

Personal Assistance

  • Home Repair
  • Rent Assistance
  • Child Care
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Medical Bills Assistance
  • Utility Bills Assistance
  • Education Assistance