Individuals that are looking to further their education have a vast range of educational grants to apply for to help cover the cost of increasing tuition rates. Students are struggling to get a college education without taking out loans, eventually leading to debt for years and years after they graduate. The federal and state governments, colleges, and private foundations offer educational grants to help qualifying students in need of financial aid.

Students should begin researching educational grants as early as they can because it is a long, daunting process. Educational grants are available through many different outlets, and the first step is to explore the grants available through the institution you will be attending. Students should also look for educational grants directly related to their major, or future field of work. Doing this may offer a larger pool of grants to apply for, so long as you meet all of the eligibility requirements.

There is a wide variety of educational grants available such as the Pell Grant, TEACH Grant, FSEOG, and Iraq & Afghanistan Service Grant. The Pell Grants is one of the most widely awarded grants, funded by the federal government, based on financial need. This grant is so common that nearly one third of students applying for federal aid will receive it. The TEACH Grant is for students that will be majoring in the educational field. These students must promise to teach for four years at an elementary or secondary school after graduation. If they chose not to take that route, they may opt to work for an educational service agency that assists students from low-income families. The Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) aids students that need financial assistance through participating institutions. Through the participating schools, they will provide a number of Pell Grants to qualifying students. Finally, Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants are available to students whose parent or guardian died as a result of military service. Students are eligible for this grant if they did not receive a Pell Grant and their parent or guardian died as a result of September 11, 2011, or in Iraq or Afghanistan.

To qualify for most educational grants, especially any through the government, students must fill out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). By filling this out it will automatically determine if they qualify for federal financial aid, and they must repeat this process on a yearly basis.

Women students interesting in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) majors and minorities have a large opportunity for receiving educational grants. If you identify with one or more of these categories, the application pool is much smaller than other educational grants. Students will still have to provide proof of financial need and meet any other eligibility requirements.

Services Offered



  • Federal Pell Grants
  • Scholarships
  • Student Financial Aid
  • Training Grants
  • Tuition Assistance
  • Grants For Research
  • Stafford Loans
  • Grants for Universities