If you live in an area that is prone to natural disasters, you and/or your community may be eligible for a disaster relief grant. Disaster relief grants help individuals and communities, once an area is declared a disaster by the federal government, by providing shelter, food and water to those in need. Disaster relief grants are available through the federal and state governments, as well as private and public groups or foundations.

Communities in areas that experience regular emergency situations should look for grants that would help repair the area following disaster. There are multiple kinds of disaster relief grants available, which are all detailed below:

• Disaster or emergency relief grants: These grants are implemented after the natural disaster has occurred, and will help to provide immediate and long-term aide to the community. This kind of grant will help provide communities with the basic necessities, water, food, and shelter, until the community is able to begin the recovery process.

• Disaster preparedness grants: This grant is to be planned prior to an emergency disaster, to try and make the recovery process go easier Disaster Relief Grants allow for an area to have access to the proper emergency response systems, personnel, and equipment. There are multiple versions of the grant offered through the different outlets, to give individuals and communities the peace of mind in case of future natural disasters.

• Community recovery grants: The department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) offers community recovery grants to areas affected by presidentially declared disasters. This grant allows for areas to receive the proper funding to begin rebuilding, which an area may not otherwise receive due to limited resources following a disaster.

Disaster relief grants are also available through FEMA, but not until the federal government has declared an area a disaster. Once this has occurred, they are able to offer temporary housing, home repairs, uninsured losses, medical and mental counseling expenses, and other tragedy related expenditures.